How a frustrated horse husband devised a better way to pick up sh*t
Birth of the DUNGBEETLE (Australia)
How a frustrated horse husband devised a better way to pick up sh*t.
Long suffering horse husband Twig was sick of fixing Rachelle’s banged up mesh poo scoop on a regular basis. Hammering out dings. Re-attaching handles. The damn thing always needed repairing. At last it was finally pronounced dead after Rachelle backed over it with the horse float (whoops!)
Terrified by the prospect of having to do constant repairs on yet another purchased scoop, Twig put to work his years of experience designing prototypes to create something stronger and more durable. He emerged from the shed with a beautifully crafted bright yellow scoop that would change the face of horse poo collection!
Rachelle was thrilled with her new handmade, original Twig-built poo scoop. After 6 months of hassle-free cleaning up paddocks full of poo, she had an epiphany:
This poop scoop was awesome.
- It was in the same perfect condition as it was on day one.
- Twig was so clever.
- Others needed to own a poo scoop like this!…
and the DUNGBEETLE poo scoop was born!

The Dungbeetle
The amazing little insect that inspired our name.
Dung beetles are the undisputed poo disposal champions of the world. Their power-to-weight ratio is breath-taking! These little heroes can pull over 1000x their body weight – the equivalent of a person pulling six fully loaded double decker buses.
Their power was revered even in Ancient Egypt, where the god Khepri had the face of a dung beetle and was believed to roll the sun across the sky every day, like a giant ball of poo.
Hence these magnificent creatures inspired the name of our legendary DUNGBEETLE manure scoop.